Rototillers are great to get the earth ready for planting that garden that your neighbors talk about, or getting the lawn ready for seed. Ether way it is not convenient when it wont start or move. And the thought of trying to get it in your vehicle and take it some where to be repaired is even worse! Just give us a call and we’ll come pick it up! Whether replacing a belt or doing a full tune-up, we’ll make sure your tiller is always working as it should. Pick up and Delivery (In the City of Traverse City check our Pick up & Delivery fees page for outside the City of Traverse City) Or Just CLICK HERE.
Rototiller Tune-up $122.00 + pick up & delivery, parts and tax that are not listed below in this package!

- Drain and replace engine oil
- Replace fuel filter (where applicable)
- Replace spark plug
- Clean/replace air filter
- Check/inflate tires
- Lube all grease points
- Check grease in gear box and top off
- Check/adjust belts, pulleys and linkages
- Test run
The following items would be extra and over the $122.00 package: pick up and delivery, replacement of belts, cables, carburetor repair parts, or any other parts and labor that would be needed. We always call and let you know if more than the normal is needed to repair your equipment!